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hihat_openness [2024/06/22 16:41] devahihat_openness [2024/06/22 18:36] (current) – removed deva
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-======Hihat Openness Control Feature - Design Document====== 
-//This document does not describe a feature in DrumGizmo, but is rather a collection of ideas for how a future feature could be implemented.// 
-Midi drumkits can sometimes send midi events when the hihat pedal position changes. 
-No standard way exists for how this is done, but two major ways have been observed: 
-  - When the hihat is hit, different note-on events are sent depending on openness, and a specific note for when the hihat is completely closed. 
-  - When the hihat is hit, the same note-on event is sent, but when the openness changes a midi CC event is sent with the openness parameter. 
-Somehow map these events to control DrumGizmo sample engine in the most natural way possible. 
-Since no one way exists, the feature should be configurable by the users to make it work with whatever kit they have available. 
-It should be possible to also use this feature with a DAW, without a drumkit, using "mouse-notation" in the editor. 
-=====Idea 1: Sample Control===== 
-Extend the features of the sample generation to include openness parameter, similar to the position parameter of the snaredrum. 
-When a hihat note is played, select the appropriate one from the set. 
-The openness must be mappable though the midimap file, which needs extending with a new syntax for mapping either notes to "openness" or specify how CC events are mapped to openness. 
-If a hihat note is being played and the openness changes the following should happen: 
-  - The percentage of the current play position is calculated (eg. 40% in) 
-  - A new sample is selected from the new "openness group" 
-  - A fade-out is activated in the current sample. 
-  - The new sample starts playing also 40% into its duration, with a similar fade-in resulting in a cross-fade between the two. 
hihat_openness.1719067276.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/22 16:41 by deva
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