Latest release

DrumGizmo v0.9.20
DrumGizmo version 0.9.20 now available! For the full list of changes, check the ChangeLog for 0.9.20.

And now, without further ado, go grab 0.9.20!!!

DGEdit v0.10
Completely reworked UI with support for editing a full drumkit as well as storing the session. For the full list of changes, check the roadmap for 0.10.

Get it at (source only)

Get in Touch

We're always keen to hear about your experiences with DrumGizmo.

IRC: For a cozy chat, join us on IRC

Forum: Or, feel free to post on our official forum at

Latest News

2024-08-07 - By Deva
Call for community input
We have for a while now (years actually) been working on new features specifically for improved support for midi eDrumkits. The idea for a generalized compound instrument has come up as a solution to many of these new features - but it seems that the potential of such a concept is a lot bigger than our current requirements, so we would like to get input from our user and the community at large before we start designing it. Read more and give us your feed-back in this forum thread:

2022-09-08 - By Deva
DrumGizmo 0.9.20 released

This release was originally intended as a bugfix release, but quite a few features also managed to find their way in.

Noteworthy bugs that has been fixed:

  • Software regression error in cymbal choke code has been fixed. So now choking of cymbals using both directed chokes and after-touch midi events work again as expected.
  • A compilation error due to an update in LV2 API (we used an obsolete LV2 type) has been fixed, so now compilation should work for everybody again.
  • Code can now properly be compiled with NSL support disabled at configure time.
  • Compilation with the modern gcc-11 compiler has been fixed.

As usual read the detailed description of all the new shiny features, see the ChangeLog for 0.9.20.

And now, without further ado, go grab 0.9.20!!!

2021-06-10 - By Deva
Unfa DrumGizmo livestream
A few days ago the open-source audio evangelist Tobiasz 'unfa' Karoń hosted a really cool livestream with drumgizmo, showing how to play around with it mixing it to get the sound you like.

Check it out on his youtube channel here.

2021-02-17 - By Deva
A little something…
…we've been playing around with recently.

Some of the more advanced eDrumkits have position sensing and we are currently experimenting with adding this to a drum-sample-engine near you!

Does it work well? Well see for yourself and tell us what you think: Hint: The drum in the video is actually an eDrum playing positional samples through a PC speaker.

2021-01-26 - By Deva
LAC2021 talks are now online

We did a presentation of our sample selection algorithm on LAC2021 (virtual) conference and the video of it is now online.
The associated article can be found here.

2020-11-23 - By Deva
DrumGizmo 0.9.19 released

This release is a feature release with some rather interesting new features in it:


  • Default midimaps now read from drumkit file so no explicit loading of midimap are needed for kits that provide these.
  • Add OSX retina display UI scaling.
  • Sample selection default values improved
  • UI rendering speed improvements
  • New powermap feature, to make it easier to get a good natural feeling when playing a midi-drumkit.
  • Improved dgvalidater tool to include a lot more validation checks.
  • Add gettext support to plugin UI with French translation.
  • Per instrument voice limit feature to enable playing very fast with low latency without the engine dropping out.
  • Resampling quality (and thereby cpu usage) can now be controlled.

And a lot of bugfixes.

As usual read the detailed description of all the new shiny features, see the ChangeLog for 0.9.19.

And now, without further ado, go grab 0.9.19!!!

2020-04-29- By Deva
DrumGizmo in concert(o)
The italian band The Strange Flowers just played a streamed live concert featuring DrumGizmo.
Check it out at on their facebook page.

2019-10-23- By Deva
DrumGizmo hotfix released

We recently discovered a rather annoying bug introduced with version 0.9.17 and once we found out what was causing it we decided to do a hotfix release.

So, hot in the heels of version 0.9.18, we give you version - now with a working filebrowser!

Available in a browser near you.

2019-10-18 - By Deva
ShittyKit 1.2 released
After the release of DrumGizmo 0.9.18 we have discovered some XML errors in ShittyKit. These have now been fixed and new version of Shitty kit has been packaged. So if you are a user of ShittyKit you will need to download the latest version in order for it to load in the latest version of DrumGizmo.

Get it now.

2019-10-15 - By Deva
DrumGizmo 0.9.18 released

This release is primarily a bugfix release but a few new features also managed to sneak in.


  • Sample selection algorithm now behaves a lot better when using a small sample set.
  • Error reporting has been drastically improved when loading drum-kits.
  • Sample normalization option has been added.

As usual read the detailed description of all the new shiny features, including some audio samples, see the ChangeLog for 0.9.18.

And now, without further ado, go grab 0.9.18!!!

2019-07-15 - By Deva
DrumGizmo 0.9.17 released
In this release we tried to jam in as many of our planned changes to the xml as possible. There are still a few more to go but this release has brought us a large step closer to our feature-complete xml format. Quite a few other major features has also found their way into this release, which will be much more visible (and audible) to the users.


  • Improved sample selection algorithm.
  • Clicky-kit feature.
  • Midnam support.
  • Directed choke functionality.
  • Drumkit metadata support.
  • Experimental Cocoa UI support for MacOSX.

Also some bug fixes and a lot of code refactoring (replaced eXpat with pugixml for one).

For a detailed description of all the new shiny features, including audio samples and lots of screenshots, see the ChangeLog for 0.9.17.

And now, without further ado, go grab 0.9.17!!!

2019-03-04 - By Deva
Honorable mention of the Gizmo by Unfa
Unfa, the open source open-source software and Linux music production YouTuber, recently posted the video "Free and open-source software I use for music production" where he walks through many useful programs and plugins he uses for his productionsm including the almighty Gizmo.

Check out his channel for more cool videos.

2019-02-09 - By Deva
FOSDEM talk on Audio Production using FreeBSD featuring DrumGizmo
Our team member Goran Mekić (meka) recently held a talk at FOSDEM 2019 in Brussels about using FreeBSD for Audio Studio productions.
Check out a video of the talk here.

2019-02-04 - By Deva
DGEdit version 0.10 has been released
The official drumgizmo drumkit creation tool, DGEdit, has been released. New in this version is the possibility to create a full drumkit with several instruments instead of just one instrument and also the option to save the session in a .dgedit file.

The editor were presented at the Sonoj Convention 2018 in Cologne. A video is available here:


2018-11-28 - By Deva
Drumkits are back online
All kits have been migrated to the main drumgizmo server and should be available again there now. Be aware that all the links have changed - sorry for the inconvenience.

2018-11-25 - By Deva
Drumkit server is down
Updated by Muldjord Nov 28th 2018: The server hosting some of our drumkits is down due to unforeseen circumstances. We are currently trying to migrate the files to a different server. Rest assured, the files are of course backed up so it's merely a question of getting the sneakernet up and running (look it up).

2018-08-13 - By Muldjord
New Muldjord album released
As a bit of a showcase of how DrumGizmo can be used in a somewhat high-end project, you can now download the new Muldjord album “A Cascade of Eventualities” for free at the official website Or you can just click this direct link to the mp3 version.

The album is released under a creative commons license and exclusively uses the DrumGizmo MuldjordKit2 samples and engine. So go check it out if blackened death metal is your thing.

The album is also available on streaming services.

2018-08-12 - By Muldjord
DrumGizmo 0.9.16 released
This is mainly a bugfix release. If you encountered timing issues when using the humanizer features, this is the release to get. It also optimizes the resampling and a bunch of other stuff. For the full list of changes, check the roadmap for 0.9.16.

And now, without further ado, go grab 0.9.16!!!

2018-08-10 - By Muldjord
Reaper template for DRSKit
Thanks to Henry Järvinen we now also have a rock/jazz Reaper template for the DRSKit. This should help users get started on those projects, so be sure to grab it under “Additional Downloads” here.

2018-08-07 - By Muldjord
MuldjordKit3 released
To support the new bleed control in 0.9.15 I had to redo the entire MuldjordKit from the raw files. I had cut the bleed to 20% on the old files which isn't necessary now that we have actual bleed volume control. So I did just that, created it all over again. And you can get it right now, right here.

2018-08-07 - By Muldjord
Additional downloads
We've just added a bunch of additional downloads. For CrocellKit there's now a Reaper template and Reaper midi note label file. For ShittyKit there's now a midi note label file. All files courtesy of Henry Järvinen. Thanks!

2018-08-06 - By Muldjord
The Aasimonster drumkit updated
Thanks to Henry Järvinen the Aasimonster2 drumkit is now also updated with full bleed control. Get it here

2018-08-05 - By Muldjord
DRSKit updated with bleed control
DRSKit has been updated to 2.1 which now includes the newly introduced bleed volume control functionality. Get the updated kit or patch here

This means that both CrocellKit and DRSKit now supports bleed control, which was introduced in 0.9.15. Stay tuned for DrumGizmo 0.9.16, which includes some reported bug fixes.

2018-07-24 - By Muldjord
DrumGizmo 0.9.15 Released!
We didn't quite make the yearly LAC (Linux Audio Conference) schedule. But fret not, now it is here! The new 0.9.15 release is primed and ready for use.

Loads of new stuff in this release. Most prominent is the new timing humanizer and the bleed control! The timing humanizer works in addition to the velocity humanizer. Where the velocity humanizer adjusts the velocity of incoming midi hits, the timing humanizer does the same thing but instead moves them back and forth in time. This all helps to achieve a less machine-sounding output. To help with the understanding of the humanizing features, we've also added a “visualizer” which will mirror the settings you choose for a better understanding. This is the first iteration of the visualizer, so feedback is very welcome.

So what else? Oh yes, “bleed control”! And yep, it does exactly what you expect. If you want a dry sounding kit, turn that slider aaaall the way down. But if you want all of the ambience in there, turn it aaaall the way up. Bleed is when a hit on any drum is also picked up by mics that aren't the “primary” mic of that specific drum. For some genres bleed is unwanted. For others, not so much. And now YOU are in control.

A note on the bleed control: Currently only the newly updated CrocellKit v1.1 supports this. We still need to update the rest of the kits before it will work for those. So keep an eye out for that.

And that is all. Please enjoy this release! Get it here

2018-06-20 - By Deva
Lightning talk @ LAC2018
A video of our lightning talk “New Stuff in DrumGizmo” from LAC2018 has been published.
In it we try to present a few new features which will be included in our upcoming 0.9.15 release.
Check it out at CCC media

2017-07-28 - By Muldjord
Video tutorials by Michael Oswald
A very thorough video tutorial on setting up and mixing the new CrocellKit has been made by DrumGizmo user Michael Oswald. It's a 2 parter, check them out: Part 1 and part 2

2017-06-03 - By Muldjord
New song using CrocellKit
A new song by Everything Is Broken using the CrocellKit has landed on youtube. Check it out here!

2017-05-14 - By Muldjord
0.9.14 Released! LAC2017 here we come!
As is a bit of a tradition for the DrumGizmo team (and many other fine open source projects), we have prepared a special release for the upcoming Linux Audio Conference. This year the conference takes place in Saint-Etienne, France from May 18-21 2017. And we'll be showing up! So be sure to take note of “The cool guys with the drumsticks”. You might just secure yourself one with a nice DG logo on it done with the custom made lasercutter of Open Space Aarhus.

The LAC2017 release of this year is a bugfix release. It bears the version number 0.9.14 and can, as always, be downloaded here.

See you at LAC! :)

2017-04-29 - By Muldjord
CrocellKit is here!!!
No rest for the wicked at the DrumGizmo camp! We've cooked up an entirely new drumkit for you guys to try out. And it coincides perfectly with the implementation of diskstreaming in the recently released DrumGizmo 0.9.13. Why? Because this kit is a whopper! Taking up no less than 8.4 GB of space, this is by far the most thoroughly sampled kit we've ever created. Just the snare alone consist of almost 100 different hits. 100!!!

You can listen to a sample of the kit here

And, when you've managed to clean up some space on your harddrive, download the kit HERE!

A special thanks goes out to the Danish metal band Crocell who just so happens to celebrate their 10th anniversary today! One of the finest death metal acts on Danish soil. Also thank you to Jacob of JBOSound, who generously let us into the studio one evening, after the guys had wrapped up drum recordings for their upcoming album.

2017-04-23 - By Muldjord
0.9.13 released!
Pop the corks! It's release day! We just released 0.9.13, which includes the much anticipated diskstreaming feature. OSS support and a completely new ui is also introduced. We have been working hard to get this release put together, so please join us in celebrating it! Feel free to stop by IRC (, #drumgizmo) or the official forum and please let us know if you find any bugs.

In other news, stay tuned for the new CrocellKit!

And now, without further ado, go grab 0.9.13!!!

2017-03-20 - By Muldjord
New kit in the works!
It's been a while since we've expanded out drumkit roster with an official DrumGizmo drumkit. So good news everyone! On Monday I went to a local studio and spend 5 hours sampling a new kit which will be called the CrocellKit. Crocell is a Danish metal band that is currently recording their next album at this studio. Jacob of JBOSound is the engineer on the record, and he kindly let me sample the entire kit after they were done recording for the day. The kit won't be released just yet, but here's a teaser:

2017-01-30 - By Deva
Team expansion
It has been a bit over a year since we welcomed our last team members in the Gizmo stables…

…And now, a year later, we're at it again: We would like you all to give a warm welcome to Meka! During the last couple of months he has been helping out testing and fixing issues on FreeBSD and is the key reason for the FreeBSD version we managed to get going with the last release. Initially Meka will focus on improving the cli functionality so expect good things happening in this area in the coming releases.

We are thrilled to have him on board! Welcome!

2017-01-18 - By Muldjord
DrumGizmo v0.9.12 released
DrumGizmo version 0.9.12 now available! Most prominent new feature is that we now have FreeBSD support! Several fixes for various combinations of software also made it into this release. Check the roadmap for 0.9.12 for full details.

Download it now - Get it while it's hot!

2016-10-29 - By Muldjord
0.9.11 released
DrumGizmo version 0.9.11 now available! This is mostly a bugfix release, but also introduces the use of the Ardour inline feature in the LV2 version of the plugin. Go load it up, you'll see a loading bar in the mixer panel.

A unicode bug has been fixed and we also fixed a problem that occurred when using more than one instance of DG in your DAW.

Download it now - Get it while it's hot!

2016-10-24 - By Deva
Forum Gizmo at
The Gizmo now it's very own forum kindly hosted by - so join us and help us take the Gizmo to the next level of awesomeness.

2016-07-29 - By Deva
The Gizmo at Sommerhack 2016
The Gizmo just made a short appearance at the Sommerhack 2016 hacker camp.

The offspring of said appearance was a tiny drumkit made entirely in-situ with the help of all the other attendees.

We had a lot of fun creating it and hope you can have some fun playing around with it :-)

2016-06-16 - By Muldjord
DrumGizmo + RockBand drums equals AWESOME!
Check out this fun and impressive video by Yassin Philip, who decided to match his RockBand drums with the sweet sounds of DrumGizmo's DRSKit.

2016-04-27 - By Deva
Servers are back online
All servers should be back online and fully operational.

2016-04-26 - By Deva
Servers are being upgraded
The server hosting our drumkits are having it's capacity doubled so we can host twice as many awesome drumkits in the future. Unfortunately this migration requires the server to be offline while data is being copied.
The server should be back online tomorrow around 8 AM UTC+2.

2016-04-20 - By Muldjord
New video tutorials
DrumGizmo user Michael Oswald has put a lot of work into making a complete video tutorial series on how to make a song from scratch. During the process he also covers how to compose drums in Muse using DrumGizmo and how to mix the drums in Ardour afterwards. Be sure to check out the entire series at LibreMusicProduction. For convenience we've created links for the DrumGizmo related stuff in the tutorial section.

A huge thanks to Michael for taking the time to create this series. Check it out, you might learn something!

UPDATE: Michael also created a short guide on how to assemble a DrumGizmo kit from drumkit sample library samples. Check that out here

2016-03-30 - By Deva
DrumGizmo 0.9.10 released!
Hot in the heels of version 0.9.9 we have just released the 0.9.10 bugfix version fixing the resampler bug as well as freeze bug encountered when a tempo change is reported to the plugin.

Contributors for this release are: deva, suhr

2016-03-24 - By Muldjord
DrumGizmo 0.9.9 released!
After a year, we are very happy to announce that we have completed work on DrumGizmo 0.9.9. This is probably the biggest release to date, even though it doesn't seem to have changed much for the end user. Some major stuff has changed behind the scenes. DrumGizmo's disk streaming is now enabled and running whenever you load a drumkit. It is not currently exposed in the gui and is therefore working by simply setting the cache limit to load the entire kit. It will be implemented in the gui when we feel confident that it works as expected.

On top of it all, we have done some major refactoring of the code base. And the usual pile of bugs have been squashed. Keep in mind though, that this is a feature release, and should be considered unstable.

Contributors for this release are: cglocke, chaot4, deva, muldjord, suhr, viccuad

2016-03-24 - By Deva
DrumGizmo is now LGPLv3
By consensus vote among all the developers we have now decided to change the license of the entire DrumGizmo project from GPLv3 to LGPLv3. This means that it is no longer a violation of the license to load the plugin inside a proprietary host such as Reaper or Bitwig which we know many of our users did. The license will be effective from our next (still upcoming) release 0.9.9 but has already been integrated into our current git master branch.

Enjoy the newly acquired freedom to use the Gizmo wherever you like!

2016-03-22 - By Muldjord
DGMeetup 2016 underway
Holed up in a house somewhere on planet Earth - right now - are 6 geeky people currently plotting for world domination. The amount of evil laughter is not as prevalent as you might expect for such a setting though. Mainly because the world domination part is not to enslave humanity, but rather to work on DrumGizmo to make sure as many people enjoy using it as possible.

We actually started the meeting yesterday, and currently the whiteboard is plenty full of plans for what we want to achieve. More on that later.

For now, know that the 0.9.9 release is not too far off.

2016-01-21 - By Muldjord
Developer team doubled!
Ok, so here's some great news for our first post of 2016! But before we delve into the details, we would like to wish you all a happy new year!

So, what is this about our development team being doubled? Well, as DrumGizmo continues to garner interest from users around the world, it seems that some of these delightful individuals are actually quite good at coding. And some of those coders decided to join the team! More specifically, we are now joined by users Chaot4 and Glocke who are both currently digging through our codebase to familiarize themselves with the intricate details.

We are stoked to have them join the team! Welcome guys!

2015-12-21 - By Muldjord
Aasimonster 2.0 kit released
The Aasimonster kit has finally been converted to the 2.0 DrumGizmo format. The conversion has been done by user Chaot4 (THANKS!!!). He's put a lot of hard work into this, so go ahead and check it out!

Find the updated kit right here!

2015-12-19 - By Deva
The DrumGizmo project has been added to Coverity Scan
Coverity has accepted our application so the Gizmo is now a part of their portifolio:
Coverity is an online static code analysis tool that can help us find defects in the software. So what this essentially means is that the next step has been taken towards making the Gizmo more stable and reliable than ever before.

2015-12-10 - By Muldjord
First user-created drumkit added
Good news everyone! The DrumGizmo drumkit family just expanded to include the brand new “ShittyKit”. Contrary to it's erm… Slightly curious name (we didn't come up with it) it actually sounds really good. It's a medium sized kit with 5 channels created by user Sardonicus.

Soo… What are you waiting for?! Grab the kit right here!

2015-12-05 - By Muldjord
New song by Matias Nieminen available
DrumGizmo seems to have found its way into the toolbox of quite a lot of musicians these days. We're very humbled that so many people use it and find it useful. Today we present you with a link to a song Matias Nieminen send us.

Listen to the song here

2015-10-06 - By Muldjord
New DrumGizmo song available
Michael Oswald has been kind enough to send us a link with an example of what can be done with DrumGizmo when mixing an electronic style with some 8-string metal. Its got a bit of a Nine Inch Nails flavor to it. DrumGizmo can be heard in the metal passages.

Listen to the song "The Canyon" right here

2015-09-08 - By Muldjord
Updated DrumGizmo roadmap for 0.9.9
We had a DrumGizmo meeting yesterday, trying to figure out how to go forward from our current position. It's been quiet over the summer, rest assured that we haven't been slacking off. In fact, we have several new features in testing such as disk streaming and a new humanize control that introduces adjustable beat-skewing. BUT, none of these features are ready for primetime. In fact, most of them are largely untested. And before we can introduce them into the actual GUI, we need to do some ground work on the basis code. Mostly about refactoring the GUI framework to make it easier to work with, which in turn makes it easier to introduce new functions. And we need to do a lot of unit testing to make sure these functions are as stable as they can be when we release it upon the masses.

If you would like to help us out, or have questions, always feel free to JOIN US ON IRC

Also check out the updated 0.9.9 DrumGizmo roadmap

2015-07-21 - By Muldjord
New song using only DrumGizmo drums
A new song by Josh Salazar has been released using only DrumGizmo drums. This is a really nice example of what can be done with DrumGizmo with a more quiet and moody tune. The kit used is the DRSKit. Check it out!

2015-04-09 - By Deva
DrumGizmo@LAC2015 in Mainz
We are now at the 13th annual linux audio conference in Mainz to hang out with other linux audio enthusiasts and discuss some interesting design issues in audio development.

2015-03-16 - By Muldjord
Howto: Create your own drumkits
I decided to write a very brief tutorial on how to create your own drumkits. It's something people have been asking for for quite a while. The reason we haven't done anything about it so far is that the drumkit file format still isn't finalized, and the editor is very much a work in progress, still requiring you to get your hands dirty when binding the instruments together in an actual drumkit. BUT, with that said, it is VERY useful for creating the actual instrument xml and wav files with hit velocities and so on. So, without further ado, go check out the brand new Getting DGEdit section that now contains a complete, although brief, description on how to create your own kits.

Keep in mind that this is just to get you started. We are planning on making video tutorials for the entire process when we are further along in development.

2015-01-25 - By Muldjord
Tutorial: How to use DrumGizmo with Ardour
If you are having trouble using DrumGizmo with Ardour, or if you are just a first-time user wondering how to get started using DrumGizmo, there is now a very detailed tutorial available at LibreMusicProduction written by Conor Mc Cormack. A huge thanks goes out to Conor for taking the time to write this tutorial.

Click here to read the article. You can also find this link in our tutorial section.

Old News

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What's it all about

Click here for an alternative mp4 version.

DrumGizmo on IRC

If you need help with anything from how to install to how to use, feel free to join the #drumgizmo channel at

All IRC channel messages are logged and published at:

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