DRSKit came to be as a collaboration between the DrumGizmo team and Jes Eiler of DRSDrums. Jes creates handcrafted drumkits under his own label with an attention to detail not often seen on the market.
We gave him a call and asked if he would supply a kit for us to record. And being the stand-up guy that he is, he offered to lend us an entire kit for free. The kit contains the following components (Left / right placements as seen by the drummer):
The kit should be usable for everything from jazz to rock.
Version 2.0.1 to 2.1 patch:
Download the patch here (Note: This file only contains files changed from 2.0.1 to 2.1. Download this if you already have DRSKit 2.0.1 installed and don't wish to re-download the entire thing)
Additional Downloads
Reaper template: Jazz/Rock template By Henry Järvinen (Right-click→“save link as…” to download)
Reaper midi note file: Midi note labels / descriptors By Henry Järvinen (Right-click→“save link as…” to download)
Recording setup
The drumkit was recorded using 13 microphones.
Microphone setup
Close mic: Snare top: Shure Sm57
Close mic: Snare bottom: Shure Sm57
Close mic: Tom1: Shure Sm57
Close mic: Tom2: Shure Sm57
Close mic: Tom3: Shure Sm57
Close mic: Kick drum back (facing audience): AKG D112
Close mic: Kick drum front (beater end, facing the drummer): Shure Sm57
Close mic: Ride cymbal: Beyerdynamic MCE 86 II
Close mic: Hihat: Beyerdynamic MCE 86 II
Overhead: Focusing on left crash and hihat: Røde Nt5
Overhead: Focusing on right crash and ride: Røde Nt5
Ambience: Focusing on entire kit placed further back in the room to the left: t.bone Rb500
Ambience: Focusing on entire kit placed further back in the room to the right: t.bone Rb500
Channel setup
All microphones are connected to its own channel when loading the kit in DrumGizmo. 13 channels total. Remember to pan the relevant channels to give you a better stereo effect.
Ch 1: Ambience left
Ch 2: Ambience right
Ch 3: Kickdrum back
Ch 4: Kickdrum front
Ch 5: Hihat
Ch 6: Overhead left
Ch 7: Overhead right
Ch 8: Ride cymbal
Ch 9: Snaredrum bottom
Ch 10: Snaredrum top
Ch 11: Tom1
Ch 12: Tom2 (Floor tom)
Ch 13: Tom3 (Floor tom)