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Release Notes for DrumGizmo-0.9.20

Roadmap: version_0920

NOTE TO AUTHORS: Insert video like this:

NOTE TO AUTHORS: Insert audio like this:

New stuff:
Make configure fail if nls is enabled but gettext tools not found. (deva)
Make rcgen compile and work on windows again through autotools. (deva)
Run and fix unit-tests on windows. (deva)

Add voice-limit parameters to cli (corrados)
Add ALSA MIDI seq support (corrados)
Add support for triggering multiple instruments with one note. (deva)
Record and measure real cymbal choke-time and use this value instead of the current 68ms. (deva)

Fix compilation with gcc-11 (deva)
Fix cli crash when using async-load (deva/corrados)
Fix crash when loading Crocell kit in ardour (stack allocation issue) - see Ardour bug report. (deva)
Fix ALSA output frame size change. (corrados)
Fix OSX AudioCacheFileTest unit-test. (non-error: was really an out-of-disc-space error on the build-agent) (deva)
Improve macOS rendering speed. (deva/veticus)
Fixed directed-chokes regression error. (deva)
Fix after-touch chokes regression error. (deva)
Make aftertouch choke if velocities > 0 instead of == 0 as this seem to be the vdrum vendor concensus. (deva)
Fix compilation issue when compiling without nls enabled. (deva)
Fix crash when pressing play while loading a drumkit. See IRC (deva/chaot4)
Fix crash when loading a drum-kit that has more channels than the engine is compiled 
    Prevent processing jack clients that are being deleted.
    Remove sndfile.h from audiofile header
    Fix missing backslash in libdg includepaths
    Adjust choke ramp-down time to better reflect the actual dampening time of a hand-dampened cymbal.
    Add support for a single midi note that plays multiple instruments.
    Fix crash when loading a kit with more channels than the engine was compiled for.
    Aftertouch choke if velocities > 0 instead of == 0 as this seem to be the vdrum vendor concensus.
    Fix aftertouch choke regression error.
    Fix compiler warning.
    Skip events whose audio-files has not yet been loaded.
    Clear all active events (ie. stop playing samples) when loading a new kit.
    Add unit-test for EventsDS::clear() method.
    Add clear member function to EventsDS.
    Get rid of big stack allocation during resampler (re-)configuration.
    Add missing include
    Add assert to break infinite loop in case of a bug.
    This should fix wrong sample selection with two samples.
    Add -Wextra to debug compilation flags.
    Make it possible to (only) build unit-test in pararllel.
    added voice limit cli parameters
    Fix crash when doing async-load in cli.
    Add setting for controlling ALSA periods to output module.
    Add ALSA midi input support.
    added getBufferSize function for alsa out
    Fix compiling without nls.
    Fix directed choke regression error.
    Add dggui namespace to libdggui components.
    Split UI code into application/plugin UI and UI library.
    Fix unit-test compilation on windows.
    Fix rcgen on windows.
    Remove redraw on all cocoa/macOS events to speed up UI rendering.
    Make configure fail if nls is enabled but the gettext tools are not found.
changelog/drumgizmo- ยท Last modified: 2022/04/14 16:00 by deva
Trace: drumgizmo-0.9.20
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