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The following is a prioritized feature request list for the DrumGizmo Drumkit editor. First on the list has highest priority:

Not yet implemented

  • Autoupdate (preview as in Gimp) when dragging 'attacklength', 'falloff' and 'fadelength' sliders.
  • Save all energy levels to the .xml file. If no energies are detected when loading a kit → autogenerate.
  • The possibility to click on the circles in velocity view, which will then select the corresponding selection in waveform view.
  • New playback features (with smart mouse mappings):
    • Play single selection in its entirety including fade-in/out.
    • Play a fraction of each sample sorted by power-position (length customisable, mark circle when played).
  • Add the possibility to move selections around freely in velocity view. This allows the user to override the calculated energy for a selection if it is wrong.
  • A one-click button that automatically spreads out all currents hits evenly over the velocity span, preserving current sort order.
  • Allow the manipulation of more than one selection at a time using a common ctrl+mouseclick or by dragging the mouse across one or more selections. With more selections selected, when resizing, all selected selections should resize accordingly.
  • Export to single file with multiple channels for future disk-stream feature preparation.
  • Implement fader instead of sample multiplier.
  • Add notch-filter with q,f and g sliders. Preview needed. Use this notch filter in the auto calculation.

Known bugs

  • It seems that the “prefix” entered in the editor is somehow added twice to the names in the xml files, rendering the data structure faulty.
dev/feature_requests.1394053614.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/05 22:06 by deva
Trace: feature_requests
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